Polish Voice FM Radio Channel Polish Voice FM
Techno Radio Top Music Radio
Artur Biernat K-Beauty Artur Biernat
Polish Voice FM PORTUGAL - Angelika Zezula Mario Staniurski with Angelika Zezula
Lawrence Goff - The Pantheon of Polish Ambassadors Robot Heart
Prawo Pracy - Niesłuszne zwolnienie z pracy Mirosław Ksiezarek - Prawo Pracy - Zwolnienie
Radio 4 Radio audition Aaron Mills
Rozmowy o bezpiecznym JUTRO - Robert Bochanowski Robert Bochanowski
Ja Kobieta jestem na TAK - Warsztaty dla Kobiet Justyna Janyga-Bogus
Marta Szydlowska London Calling Podcast Yana Bolder
Jak poznałem dziewczynę Jezusa - VOODOO Band VOODOO - Szansa na Sukces w UK
Have you ever wondered how your favorite musicians make such great music? The answer is this: They fully understand how musical emotion works, and how to use this to create intense emotions in YOU while you listen to them. Understanding musical expression is key to becoming a great guitar player and musician. When you control emotion in music, you will gain the power to greatly affect the listener’s experience. Polish Voice FM Radio is made by volunteers. We aim talented artists and help them in promotion and music productions. If you are DJ or musician feel free to join our team or if you are too busy we still are able to promote your music.
Most guitarists want to be able to express themselves better with their guitar playing; however, the majority of guitar players have no idea how to actually practice this skill. This leads to a lot of time being wasted on practicing guitar in a way that does not produce big results. The solution to this problem is to develop a more accurate fundamental understanding of how to develop creativity in music.
The METASOMA bans has been our guest in The Chance 4 UK Success audition with Mario Staniurski. It’s Polish-British Rock-Metal band with long history. You can see the artists on our video and their motivation. The podcast is in Polish language.
Zapraszamy 🙂
Written by: Mario Staniurski
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Wyniki wyborów General Election 2024 United Kingdom. Wygrała Partia Pracy - 410 mandatów, Partia Konserwatywna na drugim miejscu tylko 131 mandatów.
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