Electronic music

Don’t ask Questions About The Music Industry

todayMarch 27, 2020 52 6

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Because you believe in one or more music career myths, you thinking there is more chance for you. First question is How do I know? Never ask this. Everyone’s start was same. Mean from ZERO.

All seeking the answers to the WRONG questions. These are questions that may seem like good questions on the top level, but are really highly damaging questions that take them far away from their musical dreams. You have to believe yourself and keep focus on steps. Plan your time and use it to learn and get fun. And? Keep going!

To put together a successful career in music as soon as possible, you’ve got to know the questions you do NOT need to be seeking answers to, and understand how to ask much higher quality questions that will put you on the right track toward reaching your music industry goals.




Written by: pradm

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