Polish Voice FM Radio Channel Polish Voice FM
Techno Radio Top Music Radio
Artur Biernat K-Beauty Artur Biernat
Polish Voice FM PORTUGAL - Angelika Zezula Mario Staniurski with Angelika Zezula
Lawrence Goff - The Pantheon of Polish Ambassadors Robot Heart
Prawo Pracy - Niesłuszne zwolnienie z pracy Mirosław Ksiezarek - Prawo Pracy - Zwolnienie
Radio 4 Radio audition Aaron Mills
Rozmowy o bezpiecznym JUTRO - Robert Bochanowski Robert Bochanowski
Ja Kobieta jestem na TAK - Warsztaty dla Kobiet Justyna Janyga-Bogus
Marta Szydlowska London Calling Podcast Yana Bolder
Jak poznałem dziewczynę Jezusa - VOODOO Band VOODOO - Szansa na Sukces w UK
“Not how long, but how well you have lived is the main thing.” ~ Seneca
Mario Staniurski (born Mariusz Staniurski on 07 November in Lomza, Podlaskie, Poland) is a Creative Director of Polish Voice FM LTD, Creative Visionary, professional musician, DJ, music producer, radio host and founder of the record label PVFM. … He opened the Narvia Direct Ltd. logistics business and provided the development lidership for The Chronicles of Narvia Direct Ltd. – EU international project 2005-201, and worked at tourist business Turlomza in Poland.
I’m a professional DJ since 1994, graduated at the Politechnia Bialostocka University in Envinronmental Engineering and MBA at Business Management, also Organ Music & Singing Lomza Cathedral School at 2003-2006.
Copyright POLISH VOICE FM LTD @ 2024